How You Can
Get Involved

There are many ways in which you can get involved to help planet earth combat climate change and spare yourself and the future generations, potentially your children, grant children, great grant children, etc., from the devastating effects of global warming. If you want to know more about climate change and its effects, check out our informative tab on Climate Change.

There are many roles in which you might be able to help: as a concerned person, scientist, sponsor, politician. Pick your choice or check them all out below! The ideas we provide here, range from easy to more complex. Choose whatever suits you and your situation. No matter how small, every step counts! So, get involved now!

“Believe in the power of your own voice. The more noise you make, the more accountability you demand from your leaders, the more our world will change for the better.”
Al Gore, Former US Vice President
As a concerned Person
Even as an individual there is so much you can do. Your impact could be enormous! Read all about it here.
As a Concerned Scientist
Help to accelerate research into Marine Cloud Brightening.
As a Concerned Sponsor
More funding is required for the next steps of research into Marine Cloud Brightening.
As a Concerned Politician
You could have a tremendously positive effect on planet earth by making changes on a large scale as a politician.
“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”
Dr Jane Goodall, Scientist & Activist
How to Save the Arctic?
Remember to always REDUCE, RECYCLE, REMOVE.
Read more here.

Feel free to use all of the material available on this website in your lectures, speeches, and educational efforts.

“What happens next depends entirely on us.”
David Wallace-Wells

As a considerate consumer, you can make 3Rs happen!

As a generous person, you can donate money!

MCB research is in its early stages, and funding is needed to further accelerate the research and obtain evidence to demonstrate that MCB is an acceptable and feasible solution to reduce global warming in strategic locations around the globe.

The option to make a donation on our website will go live soon. For now, if you're willing to make a donation send us a message on

Additionally, we aim to offer RAF merchandise, which you can purchase to support the Foundation. Wear one of our amazing t-shirts, hoodies, or hats and help spread the word! Stay tuned to the News section on this website for updates.

As a caring person, you can raise awareness!

Encourage debate on the root cause of Climate Change – our addiction to fossil fuels. At home, amongst friends, at school, at work. Explain the 3Rs. And discuss MCB and the RAF. Feel free to use all the material available on this site. Engage, challenge, discuss. (Sceptical Science)

As a concerned voter, you can change policy!

Solving global warming requires long-term thinking and international cooperation. Politicians must prioritize climate change. They must think “cool and green” on a global scale, across generations. And they must act now! Therefore, get out and vote! Vote for politicians who put global warming at the top of their agenda. Together we can roll-back Global Warming!



If you want to join the alliance to fast-track research into MCB, we at RAF suggest you send an email to Your email will be answered by one of our board members. They will contact our research partners at Cambridge Centre for Climate Repair and/or Delft University of Technology Climate Institute (TUDCI) to connect you with the right person.



RAF will need substantial funding going forward.
Why not contact the RAF board members Frans, Barbara, or Jan:



RAF would love to hear from you.
Why not contact the RAF board members Frans, Barbara, or Jan:

More information about REDUCE, RECYCLE, REMOVE.

Dear Reader,

We in the West and in the middle to high income groups all over the globe (from China to Brazil, from Australia to Siberia) produce almost all of the GHGs that are so disastrous for our planet. Check out the energy footprint of a typical west-European family!

Fortunately, there are many very simple ways (and a few hardly more difficult ones) where WE can reduce and remove GHG-emissions whilst our politicians, that are supposed to represent us, argue until the damage is irreversible. The initiatives are grouped under the 3Rs: Reduce, Remove and the powerful concept of Recycle (Refreeze can only be achieved through international scientific cooperation). They are further categorized as Bronze (Bravo! YOU are underway), Silver (YOU are making a difference), Gold (if all of us implement the Gold standard, we will win the race against global warming!).

NB. We understand that, depending on the options available in your local area, our suggestions may deviate from how we have classified them, ranging from 'bronze' to 'gold,' on a personal level.



Bronze: save the planet by instantly saving loads of money!


Silver: move to the next level without having to make any sacrifices


Gold: with tiny sacrifices you might very well be saving the planet










Bronze (isn’t that amazingly simple?)


Silver: move to the next level without having to make any sacrifices


Gold: with tiny investments in time and money you might very well be saving the planet


These are just a few examples of the many bronze-to-gold things you can do to make a positive impact on the environment. Every small action helps!

Dear Reader,

We in the West and in the middle to high income groups all over the globe (from China to Brazil, from Australia to Siberia) produce almost all of the GHGs that are so disastrous for our planet. Check out the energy footprint of a typical west-European family!

Fortunately, there are many very simple ways (and a few hardly more difficult ones) where WE can reduce and remove GHG-emissions whilst our politicians, that are supposed to represent us, argue until the damage is irreversible. The initiatives are grouped under the 3Rs: Reduce, Remove and the powerful concept of Recycle (Refreeze can only be achieved through international scientific cooperation). They are further categorized as Bronze (Bravo! YOU are underway), Silver (YOU are making a difference), Gold (if all of us implement the Gold standard, we will win the race against global warming!).

NB. We understand that, depending on the options available in your local area, our suggestions may deviate from how we have classified them, ranging from 'bronze' to 'gold,' on a personal level.



Bronze: save the planet by instantly saving loads of money!


Silver: move to the next level without having to make any sacrifices


Gold: with tiny sacrifices you might very well be saving the planet









These are just a few examples of the many bronze-to-gold things you can do to make a positive impact on the environment. Every small action helps!

Dear Reader,

We in the West and in the middle to high income groups all over the globe (from China to Brazil, from Australia to Siberia) produce almost all of the GHGs that are so disastrous for our planet. Check out the energy footprint of a typical west-European family!

Fortunately, there are many very simple ways (and a few hardly more difficult ones) where WE can reduce and remove GHG-emissions whilst our politicians, that are supposed to represent us, argue until the damage is irreversible. The initiatives are grouped under the 3Rs: Reduce, Remove and the powerful concept of Recycle (Refreeze can only be achieved through international scientific cooperation). They are further categorized as Bronze (Bravo! YOU are underway), Silver (YOU are making a difference), Gold (if all of us implement the Gold standard, we will win the race against global warming!).

We understand that, depending on the options available in your local area, our suggestions may deviate from how we have classified them, ranging from 'bronze' to 'gold,' on a personal level.


Bronze (isn’t that amazingly simple?)


Silver: move to the next level without having to make any sacrifices


Gold: with tiny investments in time and money you might very well be saving the planet


These are just a few examples of the many bronze-to-gold things you can do to make a positive impact on the environment. Every small action helps!