Two prestigious universities are joining forces to research Marine Cloud Brightening (MCB). This collaboration is pivotal for the success of the RAF mission. They are committed to swiftly publish any breakthrough they make because there is no time to waste. We are losing the race against climate catastrophe.

Technische Universiteit Delft Climate Institute,
The Netherlands (TUDCI)


Problem: climate change is severe, and our mitigation policies might not be (and likely are not) enough to stay below 2 C of warming.

Potential solution: we must develop other options as well – not as a solution, but as an intermediary cooling method in case we need it. We need to develop more tools for our toolbox.

Vision: TUDCI is working closely with the CCR on MCB. Outstanding questions include: is there full evidence to suggest that MCB works (including modelling, observations of natural analogues, field trials)? Do we have a good understanding of the regional differences which might arise in aspects such as rainfall? The distribution curves generated by the Cambridge droplet generators will help us finetune our models and field trials.

You can read more about CCR, who we are and our research here.

Centre for Climate Repair at Cambridge,
United Kingdom (CCR)


Problem: to put it bluntly, even the most ambitious and aggressive greenhouse gas emissions reduction pathway does not keep the world below 1.5 C of warming before reversing by the end of the century.

Potential solution: MCB may in fact be the best solution for mankind, at least in the medium-term. At present, we cannot advocate MCB because too little is known about it.

Vision: CCR is working closely with TUDCI in furthering our knowledge of MCB. Cambridge is mainly focused on figuring out how to generate droplets at a sufficient rate and with a sufficiently narrow size range. We plan to have results within a timescale of <5 years so that if the technology is deemed to be effective and acceptable to wider society, it could start to be deployed.

You can read more about TUDCI, who we are and our research here.


is the estimated cool-
ing effect of MCB
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18,
621–634, 2018

Join the RAF in its mission to refreeze the Arctic! The RAF is committed to expanding the cooperation between CCR and TUDCI into a global network of universities and research institutes dedicated to making MCB a safe and effective cooling tool. Why not contact us at and become a partner? In all honesty, we have no time to waste if we want to win the race against climate catastrophe.

Refreezing the Arctic, were it possible, would be a huge defence against the global catastrophes currently threatened by continued global warming
Sir David Attenborough

Both institutes are
committed to expanding their teams further with PhD and post-doctorate positions.


by 2030 climate change
could be irreversible
European Commission