Our planet is heating up fast. Let’s take a look at the main problems we must deal with:
Burning fossil fuels produces greenhouse gases (GHGs), trapping incoming solar radiation. That radiation can no longer reflect back into space and as a consequence, stores in the form of heat in our oceans and atmosphere. This rapid global warming is the root cause of climate change.
Climate change is devastating the Arctic. Temperatures are 6.6 °C above the baseline, increasing 3 times faster than the global average. We must protect these vulnerable areas
In order to refreeze the Arctic, we must take action towards to following:
The revolutionary process of MCB aims to increase the reflectivity of clouds and direct more sunlight back into space. This can reduce or even reverse the impacts of global warming to preserve the Arctic.
We should combat global warning combat by reducing GHG emissions and removing them from the atmosphere. As these two processes are very slow (for many reasons like politics, industry, our fuel addiction etc), we have to buy ourselves time by refreezing (the Arctic). We need the “3Rs”: Reduce, Remove, Refreeze.

The Refreeze the Arctic Foundation (RAF) is a not-for-profit charity with a single goal: fast track research into MCB. All the RAF donations are deployed to fund research programmes into MCB.
The Foundation is made up of a highly skilled team, bringing together top scientists, experienced leadership and a world-class advisory board to help refreeze the Arctic.
RAF’s mission is to fast-track research into MCB and make the results available to all. Theoretical modelling and field experiments must first show that MCB can operate at low cost, without creating collateral damage. MCB can then be tested at a convenient location before being gradually implemented. MCB could be ready to Refreeze the Arctic and protect vulnerable areas (e.g., Great Barrier Reef) by the end of the decade.
our directors combined experience (years) in biotechnology & chemical engineering
the number of prestigious universities partnered with RAF to fight the cause
the year RAF was establised by the late Hanns Walter Salzer Levi
How toget involved
Do you want to help make a difference to climate change? There are numerous ways to contribute to our cause. From financial support to small changes in your daily life, every effort helps. You have the power to create a lasting impact and help Refreeze the Arctic.
Start making steps today with the following options

Become aPartner...
By partnering with the RAF, you will join a MCB alliance tackling the most pressing problem of our times, climate catastrophe. Join two leading institutions, the Centre for Climate Repair at Cambridge (CCR) and the University of Technology Delft Climate Institute (TUDCI). There is no time to waste.

As a concernedindividual...
Every action counts in our fight against climate change. Whether we are scientists, politicians, or concerned individuals, our collective efforts are vital to help refreeze the arctic.

practicethe 3rs...
Small changes in your daily life can lead to significant environmental benefits. The personal 3Rs (Reduce, Remove & Recycle) offer varying levels of contributions to help save the Arctic one day at a time.

make adonation...
Join the RAF in its mission to refreeze the Arctic! You’re not just donating, you're investing in the future of our planet and safeguarding it for generations to come.

Centre for Climate Repair at Cambridge, United Kingdom (CCR)

Centre for Climate Repair at Cambridge, United Kingdom (CCR)

Centre for Climate Repair at Cambridge, United Kingdom (CCR)

Centre for Climate Repair at Cambridge, United Kingdom (CCR)

Centre for Climate Repair at Cambridge, United Kingdom (CCR)